Frequently asked questions

Here are some of our FAQ's from our customers, if you have anything else that you’d like to ask, please get in touch with us at Moggy Minders!

Do you offer a free home visit prior to booking?

Yes, we will visit your home to meet your cat (animals) and of course yourself so that we get a good understanding of your cat's needs. We can also run through our policies with you and any other queries that you may have. We can also collect the keys on this visit, or alternatively, collect them at a more convenient time nearer to your booking.

Can I be confident that my keys will be safe while I am away?

Yes of course, all keys are marked up accordingly so that your details are not displayed. All keys are also locked away securely.

Do you regularly clean out the cat bowls and litter trays?

The food and water bowls will be cleaned out on every visit ensuring the highest of hygiene standards. We will remove any fouling in the litter trays every day and will empty the whole litter tray every other day, giving it a good clean and replace with new litter.

Does your service include looking after dogs?

Unfortunately, our services do not include dogs. We are fully committed to providing a service for cats and other small animals that you may have including hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits and fish.

Can you keep me updated on our animals while we are away?

Yes, we will provide you with messages, photos and videos (if required) while you are away so that you have peace of mind that your beloved animals are content and cared for during your absence.

Any other questions?

If you require any answers to subjects that have not been raised, please do not hesitate to contact me at beccy@moggyminders.co.uk or call me on 07951 295 864 to discuss further.

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